Fun Friday!

Every Friday we do our Genius Hour in the afternoon, but before we can follow our passions, we have work to do! Friday morning is a time for Techkids to reflect on their week, set goals and finish up work. Below is today’s “Have To” list.


Techkids write a two paragraph blog post about their week. This gives me a good idea about what they enjoyed and learned during the week. Our weekly reflection is a vital part of our week as it enables Techkids to reflect on their work habits, learning and behavior. Every one sets a goal for the following week and assesses how they are progressing. Some goals last one week, some last several weeks. We end our reflections by sharing something we are proud of from the week.

Speaking of being proud…. I was inspired to write this post when I noticed how focus and hard working every one was this morning. They were so amazing I took a 1 minute video to share. Enjoy!!!

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3 thoughts on “Fun Friday!

  1. Hi Mrs. Boucher!
    It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun with geniusing (is that a word?)! Do you think you’ll do the touchcast this year? If you do, please share it with me! Good luck in a new year Techkids and have fun!

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