Using our Voices

This week we are performing How the Robin Stole Fire for our Reader’s Theater.  It’s a folktale from Australia. You might wonder . . .  Why do we do reader’s theater? or Why don’t we have costumes or use a stage?  The answer to these questions is in the name: READer’s Theater and it’s all about the reading.  Fluent reading. We use our voices during reader’s theater to read accurately with expression using an interesting voice.  It’s all about reading your part fluently and accurately in an interesting way.  The video below is from our first reader’s theater.  Our participants set a high bar for every other group that followed 🙂

Each week five to nine students perform a reader’s theater.  Our weekly performances are much more engaging when everyone has practiced their part and can pronounce the words correctly.  You can help!!!!  Please consider reading the play with your child and practicing tricky words/parts with them throughout the week, so they can read confidently on Friday.  Reader’s theater should be added to home reading 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Using our Voices

  1. Mrs boucher

    I really like your video. It is very cool. Some day I want to make one of those in class. To go with a blog post. Maybe this friday you can tech us . How to make them because I really wan t to for a progect. I am doing when I get done early in class. I hope we do them on friday

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